At ISM I have had lots of ups and downs which I will be telling you all about. In ISM we always celebrate festivals and the Green & Gold Olympics.
One of the festivals that we have -which is one of the best so far- is Halloween. Halloween in our school has changed a lot during the years. Although lots of us have matured and might have grown out of some childish considered celebrations, this doesn't affect us the meaning and feeling of entering a haunted house or playing exciting games still remains. As kids, halloween was just as awesome, we were always running through the parks and scaring people. I'm sure that your kids have done the same. They might have told you stories about how amazing Halloween in school is and still is.
An event that all the people in the school like is Green & Gold, in Green & Gold we have always played some sort of sport. One of the sports that I'm most excited and interested in is Soccer. Soccer is one of the best sports that humans can play. If you have kids I recommend you tell them to try soccer. My friends and I had the best time of our lives playing soccer at school. We would always try to be the best and score the most goals at recess, PE, school tournaments and practice Green & Gold games and truly at any chance we got. But soccer is not the only sport we play at Green and Gold, we also play Kicking Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Catching the flag and other great activities. I would like to anyone reading this from the school to remember all of these great moments we have had during these events, I assure you will have a huge sensation of nostalgia because I sure did.
To conclude I would like to say how amazing my experience as a student has been at ISM. I truly would not replace this experience that I have had with anything. Friends, moments, events and much more which I will never forget and am fortunate to have had. If you have been at ISM for a long time I am sure you can back this up and if you are just starting your experience at ISM trust me you have a lot of great things coming your way.