Diego Perdomo
Student Blog
Ms. Paola Digital Marketing
For somebody that has studied basically all of his life at ISM, I can tell you all of the ups and downs of being an ISM student, and personally, I have loved my experience here. That’s the reason why I will tell you why I would recommend this place.
I have been in ISM for a very long time (since Kindergarten until now, 10th grade). Over this time, I have gained tons of knowledge while experiencing special moments, making me feel grateful for having the opportunity to study in such a school.
One of the biggest advantages I have encountered in ISM over other schools in my town is its rigorous and complete English program. Although many other schools may have English classes as part of the Venezuelan curriculum, at ISM you truly go deep into your English skills, eventually developing as your second language. Having English as a life skill brings you many opportunities in the world, such as studying in other countries like the United States, England, and Canada.
This school also has given me excellent memories which I will always cherish and carry with me. From Halloween parties to Green and Gold tournaments, all of them have had some of the greatest moments any students would like to. We have unique events where we learn how to work in teams, compete in various sports, and value the great thing of being together.
Here I was only able to mention some of the great things being an ISM student provides and honestly I would go on all day if I continued. I hope this may have opened your eyes to the great opportunities which are waiting for students at International School of Monagas.