How does it feel to be a Senior?
Blogger: Valeria Fiorello/ Grade 12
March 16,2021
People have different opinions or perspectives of what your senior year is like, or will be like. Some wish it arrives quickly and others not as much. But for me, I can describe it in a couple of words: mixed feelings. On one hand, I feel excited and happy to see the moment I had always seen so far away but, on the other, some part of me refuses to accept that this my last year is right here. This is the point of your life where you start to realize the importance of the next decisions you will take and, in this specific moment of mine, I was not expecting to go through this year the way it has been due to the reason we all know. It is my time to start making decisions that will influence my future, and in the present, we are still uncertain of what’s coming up in the middle of the chaos. But, above all, you might ask, what does it actually mean to be in Senior year and what are “all those decisions” I refer to. First, you need to choose the career you would like to pursue, and that’s hard just by itself. Then, you need to decide whether you leave the country or stay, doing a lot of research and spending a lot of time exploring options. Things such as the place where you want to live, or the quality of education you would like to receive, and even the money you might need, are a big part of this long story. Not being this hard enough, add the responsibilities you still have at school (your classes, extracurriculars, sports), and the activities you might have at home or if you decide to get a part-time job. It is definitely not easy at all, but one thing I can say, it is the most important and special year of your secondary life. In general, I have to admit we haven’t enjoyed our Senior year or made our last memories. But in my heart, I can feel the happiness of facing this situation with my class, with whom I have been with for several years. How does it feel to be a Senior? There’s no exact answer. I feel anxious since I'm at the point where I hope time doesn’t go by too fast so I can make the best decision and enjoy this stage of my life I’m about to leave behind. I definitely feel nostalgia for everything I’m leaving behind when the day finally comes. But also, happiness for where we have all come even through the difficult times we are living today.
We always wish to grow up, without realizing the fact that what people say about childhood is totally true: it is the best part of life. However, I can’t wait to see what life will bring for me and for my class, after taking a different journey. We never know what’s going to happen next, we don’t know if the celebration we have always wanted will be possible. But one thing I am certain of is that we will always remember this stage of our lives.