The International School of Monagas is accredited by Cognia in the United States and registered but not accredited by the Venezuelan Ministry of Education as ISM follows a curriculum distinct from Ministry-accredited schools. As such, studies at ISM are not recognized by the Venezuelan government except through the “revalida” process. 

All students at ISM belong to a PK-12 team (Green or Gold) to build community and support at the various levels.  Students and families earn points for their team through attendance at family events, participation in school events, and competitions throughout the school year.  These teams also work together to make the world a better place for local residents through our service-learning program.  The winning team earns the right to have the front of the school painted with their color for the following school year.


Students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade learn through carefully designed instructional units that align with McRel standards and benchmarks.  The emphasis in elementary school is on language development and rigorous attention to basic skills and content.  In addition to the core subjects of language arts, math, science, and social studies, students receive instruction in music, art, and physical education.  After school tutoring and activities are available for all students to continue their learning beyond the school day.




 Students in grade six through eighth receive instruction in five separate core subjects that include language arts, social studies, science, Spanish, and math.  They also have the opportunity to explore additional learning opportunities in physical education, music, art, coding, and Venezuelan Social Studies.


 Since ISM is not accredited by the Ministry of Education, ISM students should not be registered with the OPSU (admissions test for Venezuelan universities) until they have revalidated their studies and high school degree in the Zona Educativa Monagas. Before entering the ninth grade students should declare with the counselor their intent to attend a Venezuelan university.
