The International School of Monagas is accredited by AdvancEd in the United States and registered but not accredited by the
Venezuelan Ministry of Education, because ISM has a different curriculum from Ministry-accredited schools. As such, studies at
ISM are not recognized by the Venezuelan government except through the “revalida” process. Since ISM is not accredited by the Ministry of Education, ISM students should not be registered with the OPSU (admissions test for Venezuelan universities) until they have revalidated their studies and high school degree in the Zona Educativa Monagas. Before entering the ninth grade students should declare with the counselor their intent to attend a Venezuelan university.
Grades K-5
A fully developed curriculum based on McRel standards and benchmarks is being implemented in the primary grades emphasizing:
- an inquiry approach to learning emphasizing the importance of asking good questions
- rigorous attention to basic skills and content
- integration of subjects, where meaningful and productive
- teaching for deep understanding
- performance assessment
Secondary School
It is the goal of the secondary school to create an academic program that will challenge all students and to provide them with
an opportunity for success and the ability to maximize their potential as learners. We feel that students have important responsibilities in this regard and we, as a school, expect the following from all students:
- perform at the highest academic level of which they are capable
- value thinking and learning and to be open to new ideas
- come to class prepared and with assigned work completed
- value class time and to make the best use of it
- respect the rights and opinions of others within the classroom
- conduct themselves in a spirit of honesty and fair play with all members of the school community
Grades 7-8
The curriculum is based on a North American Middle School model. Students will receive instruction in five
separate core subject areas – Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Spanish and Math. They will also receive instruction in
PE, Music, Art, Technology, and Venezuelan Social Studies.
The outstanding features of this curriculum are:
- plans which describe to students learning outcomes, key learning experiences and major assessments for each unit of study, with emphasis on performance assessment.
- development of higher level thinking skills
- a strong emphasis on the 'real-life' context of both skills and content
- planned integration, where appropriate
- rigorous attention to essential work habits
- criteria-driven development of knowledge, skills and attitude
- performance assessment
- learning community studies to provide team-building and cooperative-learning skills
Grades 9-12
During the 2013-2014school year, Grades 9-12 will be following courses in Language Arts, Spanish, History, Math, Science,
Technology, Venezuelan Social Studies, PE and electives including Yearbook, Natural History of Venezuela, Music, Model U.N., and Art. Pre-Military Education and Psychology are offered as electives for students wanting to get the Venezuelan Bachillerato. These courses will be internally devised and internally assessed.
The outstanding features of this curriculum in Grades 9-12 are:
- attention to each student's individual needs
- development of key skills including writing, reading, speaking/discussion, problem-solving analysis
- performance assessment
- strong content base and emphasis on deep understanding
Some Grade 12 courses may be taken on-line or via any other U.S. or internationally accredited correspondence courses, depending on the availability of appropriate teaching resources at ISM.
At the end of Grade 12, ISM will issue a diploma to each student who has completed the course of study. The courses include the
following features:
- development of key skills - writing, problem-solving, discussion, analysis - to a world-class secondary school standard
- U.S. national and Common Core standards as the criteria for academic expectations
- Attention to the individual profile of each student to ensure optimum progress/success
In order to be eligible for the Venezuelan bachillerato, ISM high school students should speak to the counselor, who will advise them
on which electives they must take, which include Psychology, one year of Art, and Physics.
To learn more about our Digital Citizenship Curriculum, click here.