parents Information

Welcome to the International School of Monagas! We are fully accredited with USA international schools offering programs for children in PK - Grade 12. Our current enrollment is approximately 90 students. The school is a private non-profit governed by a Board of Directors elected by Schlumberger. 

ISM is very well known for its high academic standards and unshakeable dedication to our students and community.  Our highly trained staff is passionate about their craft and is willing to go the extra mile to ensure the success of every child under their care.  For these reasons ISM is among the best schools in South America and competes academically with all top international schools around the world.

We are always proud to show you our campus; we welcome families for tours and to explore the possibility of enrollment. Please contact us at to organize a campus visit. 

Enrolling in a new school, relocating to a new country, and starting a new assignment are all challenging events. We are here to support you through this transition. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us about any aspect of the school or our admissions/application procedures.



Required Documents for Student Enrollment

  1. Enrollment Application (Download HERE)

  2. Copy of passport and/or birth certificate of students and parents

  3. Immunization record 

  4. Letter of payment from past school

  5. Previous report cards (3 years)

  6. Transcript (applicable to students from grades 9 -12)

Handbooks / Manuales

Please click on the images to access the handbooks, English and Spanish versions are available.

This handbook is designed to make sure that schools and families are able to work together. Please make sure that you read it and refer to it often. This will help us make sure that we understand the basic functioning of the school in the same ways. We look forward to working with you, the parents, in addressing the needs of the students. Together we can ensure that it is an excellent year for everyone!


Este manual está diseñado para asegurarse de que la escuela y las familiastrabajen juntas. Por favor, asegúrese de leerlo y refiérase a él a menudo. Esto nos ayudará a asegurarnos de que entendemos el funcionamiento básico de la escuela de la misma manera.


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems


At the International School of Monagas (ISM), we believe that teachers and parents work as a team for the benefit of young people. Collectively, we develop caring global citizens and leaders and together we work to provide an upbringing that is beneficial for children and adolescents.